Social Highlights
Partnering for Women’s Success With Together We Bake in Alexandria
May 2, 2021
At Computer CORE we are proud to partner with Together We Bake on their mission to “help women gain self-confidence, transferable workforce skills, and invaluable hands-on experience allowing them to find sustainable employment and move toward self-sufficiency.”
This semester, two women from Together We Bake are taking computer classes at CORE. Kanisha and Kia’s stories were recently highlighted on the Together We Bake Blog.
Meet Kia
Kia graduated from our virtual winter 2021 program empowered and ready to take on life! Kia gained a new perspective on life, enhanced her communication skills, confronted past trauma, and is stronger and more empowered than ever. We are so proud of her for passing her ServSafe exam and receiving her food manager’s license. We are confident Kia will continue to grow and [more…]
Meet Kanisha
What circumstances brought you to where you were before you joined Together We Bake? Kanisha: It all started 4 years ago when I was released from Fairfax Detention Center. I had hoped to go to Guest House but wasn’t able to. Fortunately, they helped connect me to other re-entry services. They told me about TWB, I looked up the website and got excited. Unfortunately, [more…]